Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goodbye 2008... Welcome 2009...

2008 was a very unique year in every sense of the word...
The financial industry as we knew it in Jan 2008 no longer exists, Wall Street no longer exists, numerous banking mergers have led to fewer names making it to 2009...
Terrorist activities hit the world hard throughout 2008, none more so than in Mumbai...
The World's most powerful nation elected a young & charismatic leader, a leader who has since selected a former Democratic rival & former First-Lady to be his international front...
The World's Largest democracy conducted multiple state elections through the year including in the terror-prone crown of the country, signed a world-changing nuclear deal and witnessed a controversial parliamentary vote of confidence in the process...
Yes 2008 was unique, and such a year of unexpectedness will probably not be seen for a while to come.

In the cricketing world as well, 2008 was unique...
The start of the year saw the cricketing world reach the brink of "war" as racism allegations & counter-allegations almost split the world... arguably this generation's best keeper-batsman played his last game... Warne's expected replacements retired over a span of weeks... India saw the end of 2 of her stalwarts... India got a single captain for all 3 forms; an energetic, youthful and competitive leader... a whole new spectacle called IPL was born... and flourished... national team mates slapped & bawled... Pakistan were isolated from the rest of the cricketing world... terrorism disrupted cricket... and cricket (much like everything else) fought back...

Controversies & tragedies were abound... but in the end, 2008 ended with exciting cricket all around... First India's exciting chase at Chennai, then South Africa nearing the end of Oz domination in test cricket and finally Bangladesh fighting tooth & nail for their 1st test win against credible opposition...
That was a fitting end to 2008... Here's looking forward to even better and more competitive cricket in 2009.

Happy New Year folks!

Addition at 03-Jan 02:00 AM
Cricinfo's Review 2008 piece is pretty good with multiple views. Check it out at:


  1. yes, 2008 was a hell of roller coaster ride for the international economy and politics. So much has happened this year that I can hardly think about cricket or any other sport for that matter.

    With terrorists attacks, a sinking economy (even the flyer's not flying), melamined milk, worsened relations among & within nations (pal-israel, indo-pak, gerogia, thailand and the list goes on..) the world does seem to be on the verge of a collapse. No matter how much I try to think of the positives the glass does seem more than half empty. It's a pity that sport & culture have taken such a backseat that I have hardly seen any mention of one of the greatest olympic games ever in any of the '08 reviews!
    And what abt the insignificant indian feat of conquering the moon (better late than never)?

    Well I really don't have any positives to cheer myself up. The only thing that comes to mind is a memorable line from a memorable movie - "the sweet is never as sweet without the sour" - let's hope that we have seen the sour. I would like to say that 2008 was one of the worst year's I have witnessed in my lifetime. I would like to believe that it can't get worse.. I leave it to you to decide whether this sounds optimistic or pessimistic.

    ps: We had a great night grand prix here in sg (not worthy of a place in ur '08 review eh?).

  2. You know.... you are absolutely right.... Beijing08 and Singapore F1 are definitely items that should have been there.

    I doubt we'll EVER see any display like the Beijing opening ceremony ever again. And how can one forget the woeful performance by England at the closing ceremony :P
    As for F1.. I think the disappointment of Ferrari somewhat dampened my enthu about it :P
